yao : my sgts are damn nice, i got lotsa free time in the first week. the best was there was one day when the annex was opened for about 5 hours in total. btw, i also watched the whole of 'indepence day', with interruptions of night snacks. haha
army life is nice, if we can lead civilian life every other night. i quite enjoy mine. maybe the way my sgts do things earn our respect. other platoons' sgts simply earned their fear. it's a close line, but it's still distinct.i'm used to alot of things. oh, btw, crazy as it might sound, i missed my drills lesson! haha. how i enjoy drills now. now i even love running around with my SBO(standard battle order). frankly, there's only one thing i'm not used to. that is the way how i always do things alone. in fact, i don't even have time to be alone. in any case, with help of uniform group training, this can be overcome easily. now the hard part is spending time alone.
i'm damn sick now. i spent my days hiding under the blanket, trying to gather my energy so that i can walk to the toilet. damn it. i think it's a virus attack. i feel so fatigued. i just pray that i will be well back in pulau tekong. maybe it's just that i can't get used to singapore air after breathing the air in pulau tekong.
hanging around in the arcade makes me realised that there are lotsa people out there who are not as fortunate as i am, although we went in there for the same reason. and i also realised that i have this very bad and irritating habit of just walking around, doing nothing but observing people whenever i'm feeling down and lonely. how i envy those people who can find some things to do to vent their frustration. why is it irritating? because most of the time, if you are just observing, others will think that you are alright and also pour their own problems on you. damn. anyway, this is just a reflection. i have been feeling very good(mentally) recently.
i had lotsa deja vus today. oh, btw, my condolences to the astronaunts and their family. btw, it was a deja vu too. oh, maybe it's coincidence, just when i saw the last deja vu before i type this, i saw the number 666. interesting life i had, isn't it?