i only have 2 resolutions. to get straight As, not even A- (i strongly believe i can if i just behave lke a typical student) and to complete osim tri in 3hrs.
right now, i'm in midst of trying to figure out what a girl really wants. some of my friends say that she's a player. then i would play the game. i'm playing it good right now but just that when i get all serious, i will spoil the game. some people are just not meant to be fooled. some of my friends say i should go for it. perhaps. maybe i shouldn't rush. things are so good not. we hang out, we talk. everything we do remind ourselve of each other. so far, there are no lies, on my side, and i trust her.
sometimes, it's really hard to see if she's just real friendly or just for me.
which girl will want you not to bully her, not to let others bully her and insist that you must appear the very minute she need you? which girl will call you the moment she wakes up? which girl will call you everyday and ask if you finish work? had your dinner? it's so loving you know! which girl will stare at you and tap your hand and ask you not to drink when you drink in clubs? which girl will giggle at every joke you make? omg!
nvm, things will stay the same. i'm sort of a committment-phobic too.
new year, new start.