it's been REALLLLLLLLLLLY long since i have this feeling.
the feeling of wanting to take care of someone.
the feeling of knowing wat you want to say.
the feeling of knowing that you will know wat i want to say.
the feeling that i can turn to you when i'm down.
the smile on my face when i sms you.
the smile on my face when i see you.
the smile on my face when i look at your pictures.
the pride i get when i see you achieving something.
the joy i have bringing a smile to you.
the motivation i get when you encourage me.
the praise you gave me when i worked hard.
the responsibility i hold when you whine to me.
the 'orh' when i reprimand you for not taking care of yourself.
the ice-creams i owe you for not sticking to my resolution.
the ice-creams that you might owe me for you-know-what.
the fact that both of us lie just to sleep another 15 more minutes.
the fact that both of us took flu/cough mixture so that we can sleep.
the fact that we keep flu/cough mixture in case we need it for insomniac nights.
the fact that we have sleeping problems.
the fact that we tuck in our feet under the blanket at night.
the fact that we like to mention something totally random and out of the conversation.
the way we laugh ourselves silly in movies.
the way we both know that what we say is not going to change each other's mind.
the way we rather encourage rather than stop each other.
the way we smile/laugh at our laptop when we converse on msn.
the way we count sheep to try to sleep
the way we imitade each other's words.
most importantly, just the way you are.
somehow, the switch in my heart is switched on. suddenly i realised, i couldn't defend myself against my friend for the 'search of the 100marks woman'. i couldn't explain myself why i need not fall in love with you. i'm lost. in the sea of love. all i want to do is to see you smile, and to see you prosper. to see you live life to the fullest, and to see you improve although you are already perfect. you will be my one and only, the one and only i can adore and love. the one and only i will protect and dream of. the one and only whom no one can take away from me.
*honestly, i was quite amazed that i wrote the above. hahaha. i was just thinking and flipping thru photos while typing that. amazing.*